Canada Solar Rebates and Incentives 2024

Publié par Tim Harper le

Canada Solar Rebates and Incentives 2024

 Residential Federal Incentive

 Greener Homes Loan

 Homeowners can avail up to $40,000, allowing them to finance the initial costs of projects like setting up photovoltaic systems. While this loan does need to be repaid within ten years, the absence of interest makes it a financially viable option for many. This initiative further diminishes the financial hurdles faced by Canadians eager to transition to solar.

Click here for further information.

 Commercial Federal Incentives

Enhanced Capital Cost Allowance

The Canadian Income Tax Act provides for accelerated Capital Cost Allowance (CCA) benefits for clean energy generation equipment, including solar power systems. Specifically, solar power systems are categorized under Class 43.2, which permits businesses to write off 75% of their costs in the initial year. This provision aids businesses in rapidly recouping their investments in clean energy infrastructure.

Click here for further information.

Clean Electricity Investment Tax Credit

The Clean Electricity Investment Tax Credit offers a 15% refundable tax credit on capital investments in renewable energy, energy storage, and non-emitting electricity infrastructure. Aimed at non-taxable entities like Indigenous communities and municipally owned utilities, the credit seeks to stimulate job creation, economic growth, and the adoption of clean energy.

Click here for further information.

Clean Technology Investment Tax Credit

The Clean Technology Investment Tax Credit offers a 30% refundable tax credit on capital investments in wind, solar, and energy-storage technologies. Available from March 28, 2023, to 2034, the credit aims to accelerate the deployment of renewable energy projects across Canada.

Click here for further information.

Provincial Residential Programs

 British Columbia

BC Hydro - British Columbians Can Save Up to $10,000 On Eligible Solar Panels and Battery Storage

New BC Hydro rebates are now available of up to $5,000 on eligible grid-connected solar panels and up to an additional $5,000 for battery storage systems to qualifying residential customers.


BC Hydro is also offering targeted rebates to schools, apartment buildings, municipal government and community centres, small businesses, social housing providers and Indigenous communities. These rebates range from up to $50,000 to $150,000 based on the individual customer.


Net Metering

  • BC Hydro Net-Metering The generation capacity limit for this program is 100kW. Your smart meter keeps track of the electricity you use from BC Hydro and any excess you send to the grid. Any surplus electricity is credited to your account on your next bill, and if you have excess credits on your anniversary date, you’ll receive payment at market price.
  • District of Summerland Distributed Generation (Net-Metering) The District of Summerland’s Distributed Generation Program enables residential customers with small, low carbon or renewable energy-based distributed generation systems (e.g., solar or wind) of up to 30kW to connect to the Summerland Distribution System. Through this program, customers can “net-meter,” effectively offsetting their annual electricity consumption, and any surplus energy they generate is purchased by the District at the wholesale rate.
  • Fortis BC Net-Metering The Net Metering Program lets residential and commercial users produce renewable energy to cut electricity costs. A special meter records electricity used and surplus sent to the grid. Excess energy is banked for future bills. To join, customers must use renewable sources such as solar or wind, install equipment on-site, and ensure that the system’s generating capacity doesn’t exceed 50 kW.

Rebates & Incentives

  • Energy, Energy Conservation and the ICE Fund Tax Under the latest rebate scheme, specific materials and equipment tailored towards energy conservation—such as those used to prevent heat loss from buildings—are exempted from the Provincial Sales Tax (PST). A notable inclusion in this rebate is the solar photovoltaic collector panels. Not just the panels, but the wiring, controllers, and devices that transform direct current into alternating current are also PST-exempt, as long as they are acquired in conjunction with the solar photovoltaic collector panels. This exemption further incentivizes BC residents to make environmentally-conscious choices and upgrades in their homes.
  • The Regional District of Nanaimo Renewable Energy Systems Rebate The Regional District of Nanaimo offers rebates ranging from $250 to $650 for solar PV, solar, geothermal, or wind systems with specific installation requirements and certifications outlined in the program terms and conditions.To qualify, residents must live in an RDN Electoral Area (excludes Nanaimo, Lantzville, Parksville, and Qualicum Beach).



  • Micro-Generation Alberta’s Micro-generation Regulation allows homeowners, small business owners and farm owners to produce their own renewable energy to offset energy consumption, while remaining tied to the electrical grid. Any excess electricity produced is sent back to the province’s electricity grid for a credit towards future bills. The rate at which you are credited for excess power generation is pre-negotiated with your energy retailer and can vary based on your provider:
  1. Enmax
  2. Fortis AB
  3. Spot Energy
  4. Direct Energy

Rebates & Incentives

  • Banff Solar PV Rebates The Town of Banff’s Solar Rebate Program encourages residential and commercial property owners to install solar photovoltaic systems, offering post installation rebates based on the system’s size. Eligible participants can earn $750/kilowatt (kW) of solar capacity installed, to a maximum of 20 kW. 
  • Clean Energy Improvement Program The Clean Energy Improvement Program offers an accessible and innovative financing solution for residential and commercial property owners looking to invest in energy-efficient and renewable energy upgrades, including solar. Providing competitive rates that can cover up to 100% of project costs, this program allows property owners to lower utility bills, and enhance property value while conveniently repaying the financing through their regular property tax bill. 
  • Light Up Alberta – Solar Club Loyalty Program The Solar Club package offers residential, farm, and small commercial customers in Alberta flexible rates for selling surplus energy, with a 2.0% cash back on imported electricity annually. Choose between a high-export rate of 30.00 ¢/kWh or a low-export rate of 12.50 ¢/kWh during cloudier months.
  • Medicine Hat Rebate Medicine Hat’s Solar Electric Incentive Program offers rebates to residential utility customers for solar PV system installations based on the system’s size in watts DC. To qualify, applicants need a City of Medicine Hat residential electric utility statement in their name and must meet eligibility criteria. Installations must be done by qualified installers with CSA or ULC approved components. Any deviations from the approved system size require City approval, with rebates at $0.20 per DC watt, up to a maximum of $1,000. If the DC capacity exceeds 150% of the inverter AC capacity, a written rationale is needed, and funding is subject to HAT Smart’s discretion.


Net Metering

  • SaskPower Net Metering
    Excess power you feed into the grid earns you 7.5 cents per kWh until March 31, 2026, but when you use your system’s electricity, you pay your standard retail rate (around 14 cents per kWh for residential customers). Unused credits can be carried forward but aren’t refundable, and they remain with your account until you move or close it.



  • Manitoba Hydro Net-Billing If you generate more energy than you consume with a generator under 100 kW, you can sell your excess energy back at the current excess energy price, which is $0.06546/kWh until March 31, 2024, and is updated annually to reflect market value. This price differs from regular electricity rates as it doesn’t cover service costs like transmission, distribution, customer service, safety, and emergency restoration, making it subject to yearly fluctuations based on excess energy market conditions.

Rebates & Incentives

  • Efficiency Manitoba Solar Rebate Program New solar PV system rebates are available for both homes and businesses connected to the Manitoba Hydro Grid. For homeowners, the rebate can reach up to $5,000, with a rate of $0.50 per DC watt installed, capped at 10kW. Meanwhile, businesses on commercial rates with MB Hydro can receive rebates of up to $25,000, also at a rate of $0.50 per DC watt installed, with a maximum of 50kW per building.


Net Metering

  • Ontario Net Metering Program Net Metering enables you to produce electricity for personal use from sustainable resources such as solar, wind, water, or agricultural biomass.  With net metering, you can feed the power you generate from green energy sources back into the electrical grid. This earns you a credit that reduces your electricity expenses. Any surplus generation credits can be rolled over to subsequent bills for a maximum of 12 months.
  1. Hydro One 
  2. Alectra Utilities 
  3. Elexicon Energy 
  4. Hydro Ottawa 
  5. Toronto Hydro 
  6. North Bay Hydro 

Rebates & Incentives

  • Durham Greener Homes Deep Retrofit Rebate Homeowners can earn incentives for significant retrofit milestones either by reducing their GreenHouse Gas (GHG) emissions or achieving certain certifications between pre- and post-retrofit EnerGuide evaluations. GHG reduction incentives range from $5,000 to $10,000, with amounts increasing by $100 for every 1% saved over 50%. Alternatively, certifications such as CHBA Qualified Net Zero Ready Home, Net Zero Home, and Passive House EnerPHit standard can earn homeowners $5,000 to $10,000. 
  • Home Efficiency Rebate Plus Enbridge Gas has extended its Home Efficiency Rebate Plus program until 2027, providing grants of up to $10,000 to help homeowners save energy and money. This program, in partnership with the Greener Homes Grant, covers various upgrades, including air sealing, space and water heating, home insulation, windows and doors, smart thermostats, and weatherproofing, with solar panels being eligible for up to $5,000 in rebates.


Net Metering

  • Hydro Quebec Hydro-Québec’s net metering allows customers to produce electricity from renewable sources while remaining connected to its grid. If users generate surplus energy, they receive kilowatt-hour credits, which can be used towards future energy bills. Any unused credits will expire after 24 months.

New Brunswick

Net Metering

  • NB Power NB Power’s net metering program allows customers to link their personal generation units, such as renewable energy sources up to 100 kW (including solar, wind, and biomass), to its distribution system. While remaining connected for their electricity needs, a net meter tracks both the electricity consumed from NB Power and any surplus sent back, billing only for the ‘net’ usage.

Rebates & Incentives

  • Total Home Energy Savings Program NB Power offers incentives for solar PV installations based on the gross installed capacity, with a minimum capacity of 1 kW and a maximum incentive for 15 kW, amounting to a $3,000 limit. All projects must adhere to NB Power’s Net Metering program guidelines, which can be found on their website. Proper documentation, including manufacturer, model number, total panels, and individual panel wattage, should be retained, either from receipts or the Net Metering Interconnection Application.

Nova Scotia

Self-Generating/ Net Metering 

  • NS Power – Self Generating Option Nova Scotia Power customers can use the Self-Generating option to install renewable generators, like solar or wind, up to 27 kilowatts using their home or business meter. No application needed. Regular monthly fees apply. Overconsumption gets billed at the standard rate, while excess production is banked for the next bill until year-end. NS Power credits any end-of-year surplus against your yearly usage.
  • NS Power – Commercial Net Metering Program The Commercial Net Metering Program lets customers generate renewable electricity, potentially offsetting their usage and feeding excess into the grid. They can utilize sources like solar, wind, or hydro, and surplus energy is “banked” for future bills. Generators should be between 27 kWac and 1,000 kWac or 200 kWac, based on specific criteria.

Rebates & Incentives

  • Home Battery Pilot Efficiency Nova Scotia is currently offering a limited-time incentives for eligible solar customers for home battery energy storage systems, when paired with a solar PV system and installed by registered installers.
  • Solar for Non-Profits Pilot Efficiency Nova Scotia is currently providing limited-time incentives for solar PV systems up to 25kW to qualifying organizations. To qualify for the Solar for Non-Profits incentive, applicants must demonstrate they are an active registered non-profit or charity for at least 12 months.
  • SolarHomes Program Efficiency Nova Scotia offers rebates on approved solar PV systems up to 10kW in size to make solar electricity more affordable. The rebate offers $0.30 / watt (installed DC capacity) up to $3,000. Eligibility extends to Single-family homes (including detached, semi-detached, townhouses and rowhouses, mobile homes), as well as First Nations Band-owned homes and Co-operative Housing, located in Nova Scotia.

Municipal Incentives

  • Halifax Solar City Program The Solar City program offers property owners a voluntary financing option to cover the costs of installing solar energy systems. Through an agreement with the municipality, a Local Improvement Charge (LIC) is placed on the property after the solar installation, separate from the annual property tax. This LIC is paid over 10 years at a fixed 4.75% interest rate but can be settled in full anytime without penalties. If the property is sold, the charge can be paid off or transferred to the new owner upon mutual agreement.
  • Clean Energy Financing The Clean Energy Financing program enables residents of participating towns and municipalities to affordably upgrade their homes for better energy efficiency. Eligible homeowners receive low-interest financing for improvements, benefit from expert advice on various energy upgrades, and assistance in securing provincial and federal rebates. The program ensures energy savings that can offset the retrofit costs and offers a straightforward enrollment process.  

Participating Municipalities:

  1. Town of Bridgewater
  2. District of Lunenburg
  3. District of Digby
  4. District of Barrington
  5. District of Yarmouth
  6. Inverness County
  7. Town of Amherst
  8. Cumberland County
  9. Town of New Glasgow
  10. Victoria County
  11. East Hants
  12. District of Chester
  • PACE Atlantic SwitchPACE Program The SwitchPACE Program provides property-based financing with fixed rates for homeowners in participating municipalities, enabling self-funded energy-saving projects. It offers a 10-year term, up to $40,000 or 25% property financing, and a 5% fee. Participants can also secure $10,000 from Efficiency NS, $5,000 from the Greener Homes Program, and use the SwitchPACE loan as bridge financing for the Federal Greener Homes Loan.

Participating Municipalities:

  1. West Hants
  2. Colchester
  3. Municipality of Pictou County
  4. Wolfville

Prince Edward Island

Net Metering

  • Maritime Electric To participate in Maritime Electric’s net metering program, you must utilize a renewable energy source like solar or wind power, exclusively generate electricity for your property, maintain year-long billing with Maritime Electric, apply for and engage in a net metering agreement with them, adhere to section 13 requirements in the agreement, and ensure your net metered renewable energy generator does not exceed 100 kW in size (some installations larger than 30 kW may require three-phase power). 

Rebates & Incentives

  • PEI Solar Electric Rebate Program The program offers home solar rebates at $1,000 per kW DC installed, covering up to 40% of costs, with a max rebate of $10,000 for residential electric bill customers. Businesses can access $350 per kW DC installed in rebates, covering 40% of costs, with a max of $10,000 for those on general service 1 or small industrial electric rates. Farm buildings qualify for $1,250 per kW DC installed in rebates, covering up to 40% of costs, with a max rebate of $35,000, provided they are non-residential buildings owned and operated by bona fide farmers.

Municipal Incentives

  • PACE Atlantic SwitchPACE Program The SwitchPACE Program provides property-based financing with fixed rates for homeowners in participating municipalities, enabling self-funded energy-saving projects. It offers a 10-year term, up to $40,000 or 25% property financing, and a 5% fee. Participants can also secure $10,000 from Efficiency NS, $5,000 from the Greener Homes Program, and use the SwitchPACE loan as bridge financing for the Federal Greener Homes Loan.

Participating Municipalities:

  1. Charlottetown
  2. Stratford

Newfoundland and Labrador

Net Metering

  • Newfoundland Power Net Metering
    Net Metering allows customers to produce electricity from small-scale renewable sources, up to 100 kW, to balance their own consumption while ensuring a reliable connection to the main grid. If more power is generated than consumed, the surplus will be banked and applied to future bills. If surplus remains at the end of the billing period, a credit will be issued, equivalent to the rate at which Newfoundland Power buys electricity from Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro. 
  • Newfoundland Labrador Hydro
    The Net Metering Program allows customers to produce electricity from renewable sources for personal use and return excess to the grid. Users with renewable generators (up to 100 kW) can contribute surplus energy. To participate, consult a certified installer, understand interconnection standards, inform customer service, and submit an application. Upon approval, an engineering review is conducted, leading to an agreement signing. 

Rebates & Incentives

  • Newfoundland and Labrador Green Technology Tax Credit
    A 20% green technology tax credit is available in Canada for Canadian-controlled private corporations investing in equipment for environmentally friendly activities such as energy conservation, clean energy generation, and efficient fossil fuel use. The credit is calculated based on the capital cost of eligible property used in provincial business operations, with a maximum annual credit of $1 million, 40% of which is refundable. Unused credits can be carried back three years or carried forward 20 years, excluding tax years that end before April 7, 2022.



  • Micro-Generation Program The Yukon’s Micro-generation Program enables participants to install solar or other renewable energy systems on their property and sell excess energy back to the grid. They can receive up to 65% reimbursement of their system’s annual projected capacity each April. Before installation, applicants must consult with the Energy Branch for pre-approval and adhere to capacity limits set by the electrical utility. Post-installation, participants are equipped with a bi-directional meter to record surplus energy and subsequently receive annual payouts from the Government of Yukon for this excess energy.

Rebates & Incentives

  • Good Energy Yukon The program offers rebates for residential renewable energy systems harnessing solar PV, wind, hydro, biomass, and geothermal sources. Eligible grid-tied systems must be part of the micro-generation program with prior approval from the Energy Branch, while off-grid clients must have an electrical permit. Government entities and crown corporations are not eligible. Participants can receive $800 per kilowatt of generating capacity, capped at $5,000 per system annually. Those in the Rural Electrification and Telecommunications (RET) program will have this rebate automatically applied to their funding.

Northwest Territories

Net Metering

  • Northland Utilities Limited (NUL) Residential and commercial customers of NUL have the ability to produce their own electricity and earn monthly energy credits for any excess electricity generated. Participants in the Net Metering program are credited in kilowatt hours for their surplus energy, based on the full retail rate. Customers can utilize these credits during the year, however, any remaining energy credits will reset to zero at the end of each annual netting period. Eligibility is limited to customers with installations usually under 15kW. 
  • The Northwest Territories Power Corporation (NTPC) The Net Metering program allows NTPC customers to produce electricity from renewable sources, sending excess energy to the community grid and accruing energy credits for future use. Eligibility is limited to NTPC and Northland Utilities Limited customers with installations usually under 15kW. Participants gather credits at full retail rates, reset every March end. All setup and compliance costs fall on the customer, while utilities supply the tracking meters. Installations must meet Canadian standards and employ proven renewable technologies.

Rebates & Incentives

  • Arctic Energy Alliance Electric Vehicle Rebates The Arctic Energy Alliance (AEA) offers incentives in the Northwest Territories (NWT) to decrease the expense of acquiring and operating various electric vehicles (EVs). This  includes a $500.00 rebate for the cost and installation of Level 2 EV charging stations for home use. 
  • Arctic Energy Alliance Renewable Energy Rebates The Arctic Energy Alliance (AEA) offers funding for a variety of renewable energy projects, including solar. This funding is available to NWT residents, businesses, organizations, and communities, with a project completion and document submission deadline of March 10, 2024. Residents can receive rebates of up to $20,000, while businesses, community governments, Indigenous governments, and non-profits may qualify for rebates of up to $50,000, covering 50% of eligible project costs. Notably, AEA no longer provides rebates for grid-connected renewable electricity projects in hydro communities, but residents in these areas can still explore renewable electricity systems through Net Metering services offered by Northland Utilities and the Northwest Territories Power Corporation.



Net Metering

  • Qulliq Energy Corporation Qulliq Energy Corporation (QEC) introduced a Net Metering Program in Nunavut, enabling residential customers to interconnect renewable energy systems like solar and wind. This program allows participants to generate their own electricity, send surplus to QEC’s grid, and receive energy credits on their monthly bills. The maximum system capacity is 10 kilowatts. By fiscal year-end, unused credits reset to zero. Benefits include reduced electricity costs, decreased reliance on diesel fuel, and lower carbon emissions.

Rebates & Incentives

  • Renewable Energy Cabin Grant The Department of Environment’s Climate Change Secretariat (CCS) offers a one-time, non-repayable grant to Nunavut cabin owners to support the installation of renewable energy systems. Eligible applicants must be Nunavut residents, at least 19 years old, and can apply once per cabin. Approved systems must be CSA-certified and include solar electric, wind, and related battery systems. The grant covers up to $5,000 per cabin and participants have a year to complete the installation post-approval. All purchases and installations must occur after grant approval and recipients must provide receipts and installation photos to CCS. 
  • Renewable Energy Homeowner Grant Program Homeowners can apply for a non-repayable grant covering up to 50% of project costs, with a maximum of $30,000. Applications are processed in the order received, with decisions communicated within 30 days. After installing the system, as per QEC’s approval timeline, recipients must submit to the Nunavut Housing Corporation full payment receipts and photos of the installed components like the solar array, bi-directional meter, and if present, batteries and charge controller. NHC staff assist and provide clarifications throughout the application process.



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